Yesterday was officially settlement day, and yet here I am - still in Melbourne!!
I don't even yet have a date yet that will actually be settlement!! We are working on it, working towards it and aiming for a settlement date as soon as possible....but no actual date yet!! NOT in November I think. I am hoping for the first half of December.
We first looked at this property in June 2012, so we are becoming accustomed to waiting - NOT that I am any more patient for the experience! My biggest frustration is that I have started my leave from work.
For us that means that I am not earning during this time, and using my leave later, it is all being used up now! I have thought about going back and asking work if I can work now and use my leave later - but I won't be able to give ANY notice for when I do want to leave again (I suspect that when it happens it will be quick!!)
I am using this time to study, work with the girls, arrange a multitude of things that I didn't know needed to be done before we move - new bank accounts, transfer of licences, application of licences (for those that can't be transferred) negotiating final details and working with the solicitor and accountant on set up!
I will need to arrange a bunch of required courses for myself next week in order to legally run the park - all to do with Food and Alcohol. I have started my Diploma Course in Management (Small Business), I have an A4 page To Do List Daily, girls are doing their exams at the moment, bank accounts are all set up and we are trying to make sure that we have the items that we will need to refurbish the house and the priority areas of the park. LOTS of decisions and purchases happening at the moment.
Once I get to the park I will be busy for the first two weeks learning how to do what needs to be done!! My first and foremost concern is to learn how to run the water treatment plant! That MUST be done right!
Then I will schedule myself, so that Monday's work is done on Monday, AM work is done in the morning, and I do NOT forget to feed the animals!! All work that I assume will come naturally to me in time!
The great news is that the park is FULL right now!!
Hopefully that continues after we get there!!
I am thrilled to be getting through about 80% of my lists daily - today is a catch up day (this blog has been part of the 20% for TOO long!! It has been carried forward daily and needed to be done TODAY!!)
There seems to be a never ending amount of work to do and without a list I wouldn't get it all done.
What sort of list maker are you? Do you make lists?
I need lists!! I like to know what is going on - it can all change, no problems - but I like a game plan!!
I am SO bad at needing lists that I put the need to write another list onto a current list.....and I write down items that need doing onto a list when I know they are almost done or will be soon - so I can cross them off!
OK - this blog entry is done!!
Now to put the next one onto my current list so that it gets done SOON!!